Monday, February 18, 2008

C.S. Lewis: The Man who Made me Think

I came across this very cool picture from an old Time magazine. It was first published over 60 years ago (Sept. 8, 1947), and it is amazing to see the influence that C.S. Lewis still has in America. He is probably the extra-biblical writer who has had the greatest impact on me. He gave me a greater desire to read Scripture, and most importantly gave me the confidence to know that the Christian faith was not an intellectual crutch for the ignorant. This was a great turning point for me- society has generally categorized Christianity as either being a tradition or a superstition. I used to hold a similar belief. But Lewis showed that one can be an orthodox Christian and be a thinking man. In fact, Lewis showed that the Christian must think in a more sophisticated manner than the unbeliever. The critic often throws out what seems like a contradiction- "I could never believe a God who is loving would send people to Hell"- and does no further examination beyond that. The Christian takes these great truths and must recognize that simple thinking will not do, and pursues a greater understanding of God. Lewis showed that when one thinks, Christ and Christian faith become even more beautiful.

"There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right then, have it your way.'"

- C.S. Lewis

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